Our WCPR 35S is a very special electric wheelchair. It is small, compact, colorful and versatile. In other words, it is ideally developed and tailored to the needs of our smallest customers.
Lie down, stand up, recline – all on board. The chassis is 30% smaller, which also makes the wheelchair very maneuverable. And that's just the way children like it! Whether in nursery, school or at home, our WCPR 35S is made for active participation. Right at the forefront of the action!
Let us inspire youFront-wheel-driven electric wheelchair with integrated standing, lying and tilting functionsStanding up directly from sitting or lying positionEasy to operate, as it is only 570 mm wideAdaptive seat shell conceptElectric calf angle adjustment with length compensationElectric backrest adjustment, which works with the seat via biometricsChassis paint in many bright children's coloursMake it your own WCPR 35S Joystick control with memory function R-Net electric tilt 45° to the back, 20° to the front Oscillating control panel stand 2 folding springs at the rear chassis, anti- tip device at the front Adaptability system for seat width, seat depth and backrest Extremely quiet motor, ideal for schools or daycares Sitting, standing, lying, reclining, the WCPR 35S is the flexible standing wheelchair solution for children and young children Studying in the standing function of the electric wheelchair or playing at eye level with friends? With the WCPR 35S electric standing wheelchair, this is just one of the many functions that make it possible.


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